What We Stand For

  • Communities working together for Clean Water
  • Healthy Ecosystems
  • Open Space and Safe Recreation
  • Places We Can All Enjoy And Respectt

Toi tú te taonga á iwi - Toi tù te taonga á Tane - Toi tú taonga á Tangaroa - Toi tú te Iwi.

Our Objectives

  • To pursue for the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai (the Estuary) the preservation of its natural and historic resources to maintain their intrinsic values, and to seek the protection of these resources, including restoration and enhancement, for their appreciation and recreational enjoyment by present and future generations.
  • To achieve healthy working ecosystems for the Estuary and its catchments through Integrated Environmental Management, meaning a systematic effort to understand, through interactive interpretation and analysis, the linkages between ecosystems, resources and people.
  • To involve individuals, community groups and statutory agencies in learning and practicing the principles of integrated environmental management so that all parties responsible for the management of the Estuary and its resources apply these principles.
  • To strengthen relationships between mana whenua, communities, interest groups and statutory agencies for the better management of the Estuary and its resources.
  • To acquire, publish and use information and knowledge of the Estuary through research and monitoring, public education, contributing to planning, and any other actions that are necessary for the integrated environmental management of the Estuary, its resources and its catchments.
  • To increase public recognition, understanding and appreciation of the qualities and values of the Estuary.

Strategic goals

  • To translate the Trust’s objectives into practical outcomes by assembling working groups to facilitate specific outcomes.
  • To leverage actions from outside organizations and individuals to fulfill the Trust’s objectives.

Tactical goal

  • To establish and maintain working groups within the limits of the Trust’s resources and to act on the priorities as set by the Trust Board.