Crossland, A. (2023). 230 Dyers Road, Bromley (Dogwatch Swamp): Avifauna and lizard species list. Christchurch City Council.
Produced by ornithologist Andrew Crossland in early 2023, this report outlines bird and lizard species observed at 230 Dyers Road. Comprised of grassy paddocks, a steep sandy slope, and an ephemeral wetland basin, this site is significant as it lies adjacent to the ecologically valuable Bromley Oxidation Ponds and Linwood Paddocks. The canopy of 230 Dyers Road is predominantly mature willows, with dense exotic weeds dominating the understory and forest floor.
Overall, 18 indigenous and migratory bird species, 19 introduced bird species, and one lizard species (the southern grass skink) were considered as likely to occur at the site. To increase the number of species found here in future, the report recommended implementing habitat enhancement and predator control.