Mugford Drain Restoration Project
This 20ha section along Anzac Drive once belonged to the Mugford family but is now part of Bexley Park.
With guidance from the CCC Park Rangers, the Estuary Trust aims to recreate the wetland area as it once was. Forest & Bird Youth Club have taken on the task to assist the Trust with this project and they meet one Saturday each month and together we plant, mulch, weed and prepare baseline research on what lives in and around the Drain.
One Saturday morning per month.
Email; info@estuary.org.nz if you would like to be added to the contact list so you will receive reminders of dates when we will be working here. Anzac Drive
Email; info@estuary.org.nz if you would like to be added to the contact list so you will receive reminders of dates when we will be working here. Anzac Drive