Marquet, M., & Duncan, R. (2012, February). What’s in the water?: A survey of recreational users of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai. Lincoln University.
Prepared for Lincoln University, Environment Canterbury and the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust in 2012, this report finalised a student summer scholarship research project by Michelle Marquet and Ronlyn Duncan. The purpose of the project was to gain insight into the factors influencing people to undertake recreation in the Ihutai estuary, and the extent to which they utilised water quality information provided by ECan.
This research was important because the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai estuary is ideal for a range of recreational activities, from swimming, to surfing, to dog walking. However, pollutants entering the estuary from Christchurch City regularly cause variations in the estuary water quality, posing a health risk to those who come in contact. This health risk increased dramatically following an influx of sewage from the 2010-11 Canterbury earthquakes. Consequently, effective communication the water quality information and health warnings regarding the estuary became more essential following the reopening of the estuary in November 2011.
Overall, the research concluded that recreationists of the Ihutai estuary were generally well informed about health risks in the estuary from microbiological pathogens. They typically drew information from the regional council and recreation clubs in combination with social context factors when deciding whether to participate in potentially risky recreational activities.